The FDA is coming after your cigars!

2 Jun

For even the novice cigar enthusiast the notion of the U.S. Government stepping in between the cigars you enjoy and your rights should shock you into action. The pin-heads at the FDA want to step in (on your behalf) and regulate the thriving premium cigar industry in the U.S. They have repeatedly announced this intention. The time to stand together as adults, adults who legally choose to enjoy premium cigars, is NOW! Sitting on our hands or with our heads in the sand is suicide. The FDA believes they know what’s best for you and the industry. IF they are allowed to control this world your hobby will drastically change. The days of walking into your favorite smoke shop’s humidor and making your selection YOURSELF could be lost forever. Instead, it will be much like buying a pair shoes…you choose from something up front and then the tobacconist and only the tobacconist  legally goes to make your selection for you. WTF!? This alone should fire you up. The public humidor is one of the best places to learn about cigars. Personally, It’s one of my favorite places to be. Being able to touch, smell and see my cigars before I buy is a valuable experience and the FDA wants to take that away from me and YOU.

They also want to regulate the following…

The marketing of cigar merchandise (cutters, lighters, shirts, ash trays etc…)

A ban on cigar events at your local smoke shop where free samples are given. (If the manufacturer can’t put their product out there for people to try then this alone could cost jobs. Imagine not being able to test drive a car before you buy it )

New more expensive taxes.

Ban on walk-in humidors

Should the FDA become succesful in their quest to take over the cigar industry as we know it, they would impose severe limits on the amount of nicotine allowed in a premium cigar. That would drastically affect the taste of your cigar.  Anybody remember Coca-Cola’s NEW Coke blunder! You mess with the taste and you drive people away. Trust me, Coke learned that the hard way. Cigar makers know this lesson and they are not keen on repeating it themselves. If you’re driven away from cigars then the FDA’s evil plan will have worked. I can see them now, behind their desk – rubbing their hands together and laughing at us.

The U.S. Government should not be allowed to come in and regulate a hobby enjoyed legally by hundreds of thousands adults each year in this country. As an enthusiast what can you do to help, you’re asking? I’ll tell ya.

– Senate Bill 1461 and House Bill 1639, dubbed ” Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act of 2011″,  have been submitted to their respective chambers. Contact your Senator and Representative and tell them to support this piece of legislation.

Sign the official White House petition.

Forward this article on all of your social media outlets. Help get the word out. We do not want the FDA sticking their nose in our business.

Join Cigar Rights of America. They are actively working for your rights as a cigar enthusiast.

Above all, do something”. Inaction is rolling over and saying “Dear Federal Government, Please come in and tell me what to do.”

Help put a stop to the FDA’s quest to control our cigars!

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