Fast Ash: Alec Bradley American Classic Robusto

5 Jun

I’ve never had a bad Alec Bradley, so when I was given this American Classic blend I had nothing but high expectations.


It’s Connecticut shade wrapper revealed a somewhat toothy appearance and a heavy tobacco pre-lit aroma. The draw was a bit loose and I was worried it might burn a little hot, however, it did not. The burn was fairly sharp and never needed a correction. As one would expect with a connecticut wrapper the ash was light gray and held on for close to an inch before it fell off. I noted hints of wood and bread flavors throughout this medium bodied cigar. The smoke was plentiful and thick. I didn’t have a bad moment as I smoked this well constructed stogie and would have no problem stocking this in my humidor in numbers. It’s a solid effort from Alec Bradley. I give it 3.5 ashes out of 5.

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